I have spent over 20 years searching for answers to my own ‘life’ questions, and many of my most profound shifts have been gained through exploring the sources of physical pain, emotional trauma and life challenges.

In 2005, Whilst completing a five year Transpersonal Psychotherapy training, I experienced a traumatic riding accident that left me with debilitating symptoms of adrenal fatigue, digestive disorders, joint pain, nerve tremors, acute mental stress, anxiety and chronic insomnia that western doctors were unable to treat successfully. I began searching for my own natural solutions. I tried many different alternative and holistic treatments over the next 10 years and gradually gained a greater understanding of why certain things worked and why they did not.

My psychotherapy training gave me a unique perspective on the process, but did not fully address the connections between the mind and body. I was looking for a more integrated solution that could make sense of my whole experience and that would have to include mind, body and spirit. I eventually discovered the solution in ancient Chinese medicine and the internal martial art of Qigong. Qigong offered me a path of understanding of the deeper causes of my suffering and ‘dis-ease’ and a positive and inspiring way forward.

It has been a long and challenging journey of self-discovery, that has inspired me to now help others to discover that under the murky ‘compost’ of everyday challenges, there lies within us, intuitive answers that can lead to greater peace and enjoyment of life. We need to go inward to discover the 'lost corners' of ourselves in order to develop and grow.

“There is always a glimmer of light in the darkness, if we have the courage to look for it.”


Western medicine is extremely powerful in treating life threatening and acute health conditions that have built up over a long period of time. However, our healthcare systems are now struggling under the weight of illness and disease despite our huge advances in medical innovation and all the available clinical medicines. A new approach is now needed to address preventative measures as well as a more holistic approach to ‘healthcare’ that includes the mind, the body and even, dare I say it the ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’. I have trained as a transpersonal psychotherapist, but I prefer to work in a holistic way that also incorporates Qigong, mindfulness, energy work and acupressure that helps the movement towards integrating the mind, body and spirit together so that healing can begin at a much deeper level. It is a gentle process of unfolding that happens at its own pace.

2023-2024 NHS EXERCISE on REFERRAL SCHEME Patients referred with a variety of health conditions including, heart conditions, High Blood Pressure, Parkinson’s, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Joint Inflammation, Diabetes,

Wandle Centre, Wandsworth SW18 4DN


I combine Qigong with my experience and knowledge of psychotherapy, mindfulness and energy work to help unlock the root causes of any ‘dis-ease’ and offer simple techniques and exercises that empower you to take charge of your own health and wellbeing in a natural way.