An Ancient Chinese Internal Martial Art

Modern life is hectic and full of difficult situations, emotional upheavals and unforeseen challenges which cause stress to the mind and the body and affect all areas of our health and wellbeing.  We are often disconnected from society, disjointed within ourselves and lack a true feeling of whole-ness. Our mind is not separate from our body, our body is not separate from our mind and our spirit resides somewhere in between. We are in fact a wonderous ecosystem that is highly connective within itself and connects us to others and the wider natural world.

Qigong is an ancient Chinese internal martial art that has been practised for over 4000 years. It provides a blueprint for preventative healthcare that is simple to learn and yet very profound in its beneficial effects.

Qi, pronounced ‘chi’, is the life force energy that flows and animates all of nature. ‘Gong’ is roughly translated from the Chinese character as ‘skill’. Qigong therefore points to being the cultivation of ‘skill’ at working with the ‘life force’ energy within the body. 

It is said that a ‘flowing river never becomes stagnant’ and so it is with the body.  We must cultivate flow and fluidity within the body systems and the vital organs in order to cultivate health. Qigong creates this fluidity in the body, by combining physical movement, postures, breathing techniques and mindful awareness to enable us to become healthy from the inside out. 

“I practise Qigong almost every day and I am constantly surprised by the power of such seemingly unassuming and subtle movements. I have come to understand that something that has survived the test of time, by definition, holds deep collective wisdom. It energises my body, calms my mind and nervous system and the huge variety of exercises ensures that there is an approach to deal with almost all the eventualities that modern life can throw at me.”

“True perfection seems imperfect, yet it is perfectly itself”



Excessive stress can lead to a constant feeling of exhaustion and lack of energy to enjoy even the most basic pleasures in life. Qigong can help you learn how to reduce your stress levels and free up more energy in the body so that you can enjoy your life with a greater sense of ease and balance.

Mental health is a key criteria in our modern world as we scramble to keep our energy levels balanced whilst juggling exercise, work, relationships and family in an increasingly computerised world. Qigong can help reduce stress, increase energy, improve the immune system and calm the mind with simple techniques that are easy to learn and practise at home. It is easy to fit into your day as a helpful practise to balance and calm the whole internal ecosystem.



Qigong is part of the ancient system of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This includes the five fundamental energies of Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire which directly correlate to the five vital organs of the Spleen, Lungs, Kidneys, Liver and Heart within the body.   It also includes all the associated acupuncture meridians and their interactions with one another.

We are not separate from nature, in fact as human beings, we express it in every thought, emotion and action.

Aligning ourselves more fully with the natural world is a health-giving exercise in of itself.

“What is rooted is easy to nourish. What is recent is easy to correct.

What is brittle is easy to break. What is small is easy to scatter.”